Rantings of a Control-Freak Mom…

I’m not afraid to admit it…


So my 3-year-old has his first Easter Parade at his preschool tomorrow! Yup, so cute… I know. He has to wear an Easter Bonnet/Hat for the parade. Perfect opportunity to spend one-on-one time with him, but the catch is I am not a big fan of arts and crafts. A little weird since my work is all about kids right? Well, I’m just being honest here. It’s not that I’m bad at it, or don’t have the patience for it…it’s just that I’m a bit of a “perfectionist” (I put that in quotes because it’s probably more along the lines of being a control freak, plus a little OCD, and I’m just plain anal). Which means more often than none, I am taking over the entire art project, or redoing something the child has done because it’s not right, or getting upset because they are not doing it my way. Okay, so truth be told, it sounds more like I am the 3-year-old in those situations.

My goal was to let him do as much as possible, with some hand-over-hand guidance (cutting).










little added bird detail in the back (that was all me)!
this was where he put the grass…clearly I helped him “FIX” it.

So, as I am well aware of my flaws when it comes to the crafty side of things, I tend to steer clear of it as much as possible. There are  many other things we can get into; sports, games, reading, themed activities, outdoor stuff (not that into that either ;0)

A school project with my daughter. That's about as much as I let her do...okay, she glued some stuff too.
A school project with my daughter. That’s about as much as I let her do…okay, she glued some stuff too.
This was in inspiration model…
This is how ours turned out…sooooooo maybe I’m not so good after all!











…some things just aren’t for everybody!


There I was just getting settled into a new life style…kids in school,

Kids first day of school.
First day of school.

volunteering twice a week

Volunteering, teaching young girls jewelry making.

teaching young ladies from the sex trade a new trade; jewelry making.

President of the International Women’s ClubIMG_5733

…blah, blah, blah. Life in Kolkata, India was pretty good. I called it my “selfish phase”. Our two kids were pretty much self-sufficient, and I was no longer responsible for homeschooling, or being house cleaner, chef or chauffeur. Bottom line is, I  was a little more free! Free to explore life as I’d never known at home outside of Philadelphia.

And then…”’Suprise!”, I found out I was pregnant and it totally  rocked my world. I was still in “shock & awe” even after Eli was born. There I was, again, in the throes of changing diapers, nursing, and up at all hours of the night. It had been 5 whole years since my daughter was born and I was completely green. I mean literally…I’d forgotten how to burp a baby, swaddle, or how to get him to latch.

It was like I had subconsciously erased all things “baby” from my mind. It definitely was not like riding a bike after five years.

Now, currently living in a village in West Berkshire, UK, my life has again reverted back to the days of being a homemaker. I’m not gonna lie, before my 6 week turning point, I was definitely missing my life in India; nanny/cook, house cleaner, driver

Vijaya was the best nanny ever!!!
Vijaya was the best nanny ever!!!

…Yes people, I was spoiled! Having those luxuries did allow me to pursue an entrepreneurial side of me that I never knew existed. I had carried on making jewelry,

me, at an exhibition
me, at an exhibition

but had also added Mom and Me Music and Movement Classes.

one of my music classes.
one of my music classes.

And by the time we left India, I was engulfed in all things children, creating activity kits, busy pouches, and travel packs for kids 6 and under.

dinosaur themed pack with book, games, craft, activities, info, and movement actions.
dinosaur themed pack with book, games, craft, activities, info, and movement actions.

As I regain the drive to start all over again in a new place I am excited to share this experience with all of you.With a couple of date nights, girls night, playdates and getting into a routine, under my belt, I can now say that I am settling quite nicely into my new lifestyle and am thrilled to continue on this new journey in my life…